Sunday, October 30, 2011

How to add Skype to the Ubuntu messaging Menu in Ubuntu

Skype – the most parochial of IM apps, but one many of us can’t do without.

If you’re using Ubuntu 11.10 you’ll need to download and install the following ‘python-skype‘ package . Although the package was readily available in previous versions of Ubuntu it is not available in Ubuntu 11.10.
If you’re using Ubuntu 11.04 or earlier you can hit the button below to install it.
The next step is to download the ‘Skype Wrapper’ .deb – this is what puts Skype into the Ubuntu Messaging Menu. Install this as you would any other .deb file (but choose the ‘ignore’ any prompts about the .deb being of bad quality – this is simply an error due to the way I compiled it but doesn’t affect anything.)
Now you’re all set – well, almost.
Chances are you won’t want Skype to appear on both your top panel and in your messaging menu. To hide the former we need to remove the following package.
Open a terminal and enter: -
sudo apt-get remove sni-qt
Be careful when removing software. To undo this change simple re-install the ‘sni-qt’ package
 You’re all set! You can now launch and control Skype via the Ubuntu Messaging Menu.
Skype in the Ubuntu messaging Menu