Thursday, October 6, 2011

Former Apple CEO Steve Jobs passed away last night at the age of 56.

ဒီစာစုေလးနဲ႔ပဲ Steve Jobs အတြက္ လြမ္းခ်င္းေလးအျဖစ္မွတ္တမ္းတင္အပ္ပါသည္........
Steve Jobs က က်ေနာ္ရဲ ႔ Hero ေတြထဲကတစ္ဦးပါ...

The facts

Full name: Steven Paul Jobs
Birthdate: 24 February 1955
Birth location: San Francisco, California
Social background: lower middle-class. Father was fixing   cars for a living.
Education: high-school certificate. Dropped out of Reed College after one semester.
Occupations: chairman & CEO at Apple Inc. + Director at The Walt Disney Company
Net worth: $5.5 billion according to Forbes' 2010 ranking — 136th richest man on Earth
Annual salary: $1


Biological parents: Joanne Simpson and possibly Abdulfattah Jandali, political sciences professor from Syria
Adoptive parents: Paul and Clara Jobs, both deceased
Siblings: adoptive sister: Patti Jobs (born 1958), biological sister: Mona Simpson (born 1957)
Spouse: Laurene Powell (born 1964), married in 1991
Children: Lisa Brennan-Jobs (born 1978), with unmarried girlfriend Chris-Ann Brennan. Reed (born 1991), Erin Siena (born 1995) and Eve (born 1998) with wife Laurene.

Steve Jobs: Here’s To You
Regardless of your opinion on Apple’s products, services and business approach, the impact Apple has had on technology under Steve’s vision will be felt for a long time to come.
“Steve was among the greatest of American innovators – brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it”~ Barack Obama

This ‘impact’ can be seen in the condolences being expressed in the media: from Barack Obama and Bill Gates, to Mark Zuckerberg and Google’s Eric Schmidt.
It seems that no matter which side of the fence people were on regarding Apple and their business approach all appreciated their neighbour next door.
And rightly so: Whilst many may see Apple as an emerging evil keen to stave off competition, for everyday users they simply made computing easy and fuss free. An approach that has undoubtedly helped shape, inform and spur innovation in other operating systems – including our own.
Here’s to you Mr Jobs – your legacy will be long felt.